
Hot weather is predicted for at least the next week so the lake will be busy with activity.  Be sure to remember to slow down in the no wake areas.  Also you cannot tow anyone under the bridges so reel them in!


LAKE LEVEL – Lake level is 410.3’ so it is only down about .2 feet or 2.4”.  You can always get real-time data on the www.hycolake.com web site from USGS or click here.  Last check I did on the gas pumps at the dock the gas was $4.23.  The store pump regular was $3.94.


FISHING NEAR DOCKS – There is a reminder on the counter in the Ranger’s Station for fishermen to be considerate of fishing around lake owner’s docks.  The reminder states that the property owners pay rental on the shoreline and that the fishermen should stay away from them especially when they are occupied!


LOCAL BUSINESSES – Yamato’s Japanese Grill is hoping to open around July 1st.  They will have a dine-in area and may in the future add a Hibachi grill so you can dine around the grill!  Yamato’s will be located in the old KFC building near Roses on Madison Blvd.


Waffle House is coming to Roxboro.  The restaurant has purchased land beside Brooks and White Funeral Home.  Watch for activity soon!


Hyco Marina and Store had their wine tasting last Friday night.  There was a good crowd and everyone enjoyed the wine and door prizes.  Sharon says she hopes to do it again around mid-July.  Be sure to put in on your calendar to attend. The wine tastings are unique in that there is no cover charge and the wine is not limited to what they want you to experience.  Most every bottle is available for sampling.  Many case orders were observed going out the door!  Also, the store is really stocked with food and beverages.  Bonnie even found her “wheat” loaf bread there so stop in and get ready for that lunch or cookout.


The Embers will be at The Flaming Star next Saturday night so reserve that date!  See the full schedule on their web site at: www.theflamingstar.com


ALIVE AFTER FIVE  FREE Live Music Thursday June 19th
Alive after five will be held at the Main Street Pavilion at Merritt Commons in Uptown Roxboro. Shine Band will provide the music for dancing, food and beverages will be available. The event is free to the public and open to all. Bring a chair and a friend and enjoy the fellowship. www.HistoricRoxboro.com


FARMERS MARKET – Roxboro has a local Farmers Market that offers local grown vegetables.  It is located on Depot Street in Roxboro just below the Christian Help Center.  Most times the growers are there Mon-Wed-Friday.  Be sure to come early as they leave when they sell out.  You’ll find some great veggies and at a good price.


Ronnie Chandler of T&O Drug Store and myself have put up a new net on one of the tennis courts at the recreation area and are in process of painting the lines and getting the weeds cleaned up.  The courts are not in good shape but at least one of them is usable for hitting some balls.  If we get enough people interested in restoring the courts, the Lake Authority would like to hear from us so pass along to any board members or Rangers.  The walking trail is in great shape with new paving so take advantage of the exercise and nature on this great trail.  Parking spots are at the head end just off of Kelly Brewer Road where you turn into the park.


The City of Roxboro is pursuing improvements for pedestrians around Roxboro including sidewalks, greenways and crosswalks.  They need your input whether you live in Roxboro or work or visit so take 5 minutes to fill out their online survey.  There is a link on this page: www.cityofroxboro.com


PROPERTY TAX BUDGET TIME – This isn’t a subject that brings us much joy but the City and County are working on the respective budgets.  This may include increases in property taxes so please pay attention.  There is a online poll that is taking a survey on our feelings towards the services provided verses the taxes we pay.  Be sure to vote to make your voice heard.  You can vote by going to our parent company site and look on the right-hand side of the page for the poll.  Click here for www.esinc.net


SCAM ALERT - Keep an Eye on your license plate.  
A woman said her son found his license plate missing so he called the police to file a report.  They told him people were stealing the plates to get free gas.  Given the rise in gas prices, people have taken to stealing license plates, putting them on their car, then getting gas and running.  The gas station will have "your" license plate # and you could be in trouble for "pump and run."  Check your car periodically to be sure you still have a plate.  If you should find it missing, file a report immediately!!!  Keep an eye on your license plate!  Make sure you always know it's there!  When the license plate is reported as the "drive off vehicle," it's YOU they contact!  Be aware!!!!  Be aware of your license plates, most of us never look to see if the plates are there or not.


ADVISORYdon’t forget lake shoreline rentals are due to be paid before July 1 or be prepared to pay a $30 penalty.  Also any boats on or even in the boat house have to have a yearly permit or risk being fined – it doesn’t matter if you use the boat or not, if it is below the 420’ line, a lake sticker is required.  See more info on the Lake Authority newsletter at this link: http://www.hycolake.com/NewsLetters/lakeauthorityboard.PDF


Hope you have a great weekend


More news later . . . .



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